


I joined Easy Prop­er­ty on 14th June 2010 and left on 16th August 2010. Although it is not a long peri­od, I would like to thank for your kind teach­ing. Such work­ing skills are very use­ful and valu­able for my future career. Also, per­sua­sion and hard-work­ing will always bear in my mind in the future. Once again, thanks for giv­ing me a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to work as sum­mer job in Easy Property.」


I would like to thank you for hav­ing me as part of your team. I appre­ci­ate the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with you in per­son so as to enable me to get to learn more about your com­pa­ny and to share some of your expe­ri­ences and thoughts. It’s been a chal­lenge for me to accom­plish new respon­si­bil­i­ties which I have nev­er come to expect from my past work­ing expe­ri­ences. At the same time, I am thank­ful for your for­give­ness to the mis­takes I have made dur­ing my employ­ment. Under your whole­heart­ed guid­ance, I have learnt and devel­oped the essen­tial qual­i­ty to be trust­wor­thy and accu­rate. From cal­cu­lat­ing salary/commission to per­form­ing a vari­ety of personnel/administrative tasks, you have taught me the valu­able skill sets in prop­er han­dling of dilem­ma and how impor­tant it is to be a self-dis­ci­plined work­er, know­ing “what to do” and “how to do” in order to “get things done”. If truth be told, I have ben­e­fit­ed the most from the expe­ri­ences gained in Easy Prop­er­ty which, to my belief, will fur­ther enhance my poten­tial and bet­ter pre­pare my future career path.」


This sum­mer job oppor­tu­ni­ty offers me not only work­ing expe­ri­ence but also a train­ing of work­ing smart. The skills that I equipped are very use­ful and valu­able. I do gain a lot from work­ing in three dif­fer­ent depart­ments.  I would like to thank for your kind teach­ing from my heart.

I joined Easy Prop­er­ty on 21st June 2010 and left on 23rd August 2010. Although it is not a very long time, your teach­ing will be always in my mind. I hope that I can have a fur­ther chance to learn from you in future. Again, thank you for giv­ing me this valu­able chance. 」








