





  1. We live in times when we see many humans, but not enough humanity ;

  2. We live in times when the rich has more rooms than chil­dren and the poor has more chil­dren than rooms ;

  3. We live in times when smart phones bring you clos­er to those who are far, but dis­tance you from those who are close;

  4. We live in times when we open Face­book, more than Holy Book ;

  5. We live in times when a sin­gle moth­er can look after 10 chil­dren, but 10 chil­dren can’t look after a sin­gle mother ;

  6. We live in times when the rich walk miles to digest food, while the poor walk miles to obtain food ;

  7. We live in times when our con­tact lists are huge, but our rela­tion­ships are poor ;

  8. We live in times when our pos­ses­sions are more, but our appre­ci­a­tion is less ;

  9. We live in times when we know how to earn a good liv­ing, but some­how for­get how to live good ;

  10. We live in times when many know the price of every­thing, but  the val­ue of nothing ;』